
Character of Steel

Significant statistics
> 30 000
Character of Steel is a holistic program on a mission to promote healthy living. The program involves extreme races and open training sessions.The project won the 2020 national Event of the Year award in the Athletic Event of the Year category.

About the project

During the race, competitors must overcome more than 20 different obstacles: ice baths, barbed wire, four-meter-tall battlements, etc. The race course can be completed by either attacking it on one’s own– as part of an individual event, or as a team, that can be made up of one’s friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues or just people driven by a shared interest in building character. Upon completing the race, each participant gets a medal.

2022 saw more than 4,000 people in Krasnoyarsk, Perm and Tobolsk compete in extreme races with distances ranging from 3 to 11 kilometers. In addition to the residents of the cities where the project is being implemented, the list of contestants included guests from the cities of Yekaterinburg, Kurgan, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Tyumen, Achinsk, Divnogorsk, Khabarovsk, Ulan-Ude, Izhevsk, Naberezhniye Chelny, and others.

Feedback from the participants

Svetlana Ilyushkina, a participant of a Character of Steel race held in Nizhnevartovsk: "This is a great opportunity to bond with my friends. I didn’t expect to see so much support and help from complete strangers. We are extremely happy that an event like this finally came to our region, and we hope that next year Character of Steel will come back, too, and that we will race again!".

Alexey Yeshchenko, a participant of a Character of Steel race held in Voronezh: "This so far has been the best athletic event I was fortunate to take a part in this year, an extreme 5 km obstacle course race held at the Beliy Kolodets Sports Center. It wasn't easy, but we did it! Now we are 100% certain that there is nothing that can break us, because we have got Character of Steel. Huge thanks to all organizers and participants! It was really great. And we'll do it again in 2020. I strongly recommend it, folks!".

Alyona Volkova, a participant of a Character of Steel race held in Tomsk: "It took us a long time to decide whether or not to enter in the race as a whole family, but in the end it was definitely worth it. We had never experienced anything more extreme than that. Events like this do indeed bring families, colleagues and friends closer together. Everyone was very helpful; this is a race where all people around you do care about you!"

Video reports


В 2023 году экстремальные забеги проходили в Ноябрьске, Перми, Тобольске, Томске и Свободном. 5 забегов собрали более 6 000 участников. Участники проползали под колючей проволокой, поднимались по вертикальной стене, преодолевали грязевые траншеи и ледяные ванны. Забег включал пять дистанций в 3, 5, 7, 9 и 11 км. Любители спорта и активного досуга получили яркие эмоции, а также проверили командный и соревновательный дух. На коротких дистанциях 3 и 5 км приняли участие люди с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, которых на всей дистанции сопровождали члены команды.